If you’ve seen any of the photos from the Fluffy Feet Photography instagram page, you can clearly notice our love for all things COLOR! We believe that having a bright and exciting color palette makes the images pop, especially when the “model” on set is just as exciting and expressive. Something that we find very important is to have the background color compliment the pet’s style and fur coloring.
The background color used in pet photography can be important in highlighting the animal’s fur color and creating a visually appealing image. By selecting a background color that complements or contrasts with the pet’s fur color, you can create a striking visual effect that emphasizes the animal’s features and makes them stand out.
Using a complementary background color can also enhance the mood and overall aesthetic of the photo. For instance, if you’re taking a photo of a warm-toned pet, such as a ginger cat or a golden retriever, using a warm-colored background can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Similarly, if you’re photographing a cool-toned pet, such as a gray cat or a Siberian husky, using a cool-colored background can create a calming and serene effect.
Overall, the importance of background color in pet photography depends on the desired effect and the unique qualities of the animal being photographed. By taking into account the pet’s fur color and personality, as well as the overall mood and aesthetic of the photo, you can create a visually engaging and memorable image that captures the essence of your furry friend.
I feel like a personal stylist when I look at a kitten or puppy and say, “Oh my gosh, blue is definitely your color!” Also, I believe that background colors can connect to a pet’s personality. For example, Scooby’s bubbly, exciting, and go-with-the-flow personality, as well as the beautiful contrast of his dark fur with a bright background, made the choice of having a bright yellow backdrop feel like the perfect fit. Another great example was from my photoshoot with Gotham. This dog was regal and poised. He even came with his own cute turtleneck sweater! For these reasons, I decided to go with a deeper color palette, and Gotham seemed to agree with my choice. He was camera ready and had his own professional poses in mind. What a pro!
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